Developing Sadhana
A 1-Month Residential Retreat
With Tulsi, assisted by senior Ashram teachers*
This course is a 1-month structured retreat programme for those wishing to develop their personal practice here in the sanctuary of the Ashram amongst a supportive group of fellow practitioners and the Ashram team.
26 June - 24 July 2024 | £895
*Click on the teachers names above to find out more about them, or keep scrolling for more about the course.
Applications now closed. Next available in 2026Deepen Your Personal Practice
Progress in yoga and on the spiritual path can benefit from a sadhana (disciplined and dedicated practice) that has strong foundations and is based on holistic yoga and meditation teachings. A personal sadhana can create the basis for personal growth and development in all aspects of life; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Fundamental to any spiritual path is the development of Sadhana. Our daily Sadhana is that which creates the possibility for change and transformation both in our understanding of who and what we are on an essential level and in the quality of our lives.
This month-long residential course will include teachings and practices from many different paths of yoga including daily classes in hatha yoga, chanting and meditation, and yoga nidra (deep relaxation). In addition the programme will include daily karma yoga (selfless service) and regular offerings of kirtan (devotional chanting), havan (fire ceremony) and satsang (question and answer).
Throughout the month these practices will be explored and deepened leading to the development of quality and sustainable Sadhana that will serve you for years to come.
Course participants will live and practice alongside the Ashram team for the month. Alongside teachings and karma yoga, each course participant will have a designated mentor and receive weekly one to one mentor support.
This course is an ideal opportunity for anyone wishing to develop their personal yoga and meditation practice, and is also recommended for anyone wishing to be considered for a longer term Ashram stay.
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The Range of Practices Covered
There will be a wide range of yoga/ meditation/ tantric/ textual practices on offer during this course, including:
Throughout the course the focus will be on exploring the more holistic and energetic benefits of asana practice and how the practices can be used to prepare for further areas of yoga practice and meditation. Creative ways of approaching asana for self-practice will be explored including working with the introductory practices of pawanmuktasana (PMA1, 2 and 3) to develop body and breath awareness and release tension, backbending, forward bending, balance and rotating asana, and surya namaskara (sun slautation).
The focus will be on deepening and exploring self-practice. Practices covered will include breath awareness, full yogic breath, bhramari pranayama, ujjayi (subtle breath), brahmari (bee breath), nadi shodhana (alternative nostril breathing), anuloma villoma.
A key area of the course will be the use of meditation in personal practice. Included will be the practices of kaya sthairyam (body stillness), antar mouna (inner silence), ajapa japa (mantra and pathway) and an introduction to practices from theVigyana Bhairava Tantra.
Chanting and Meditation
Various mantras will be introduced during the course alongside morning meditation, weekly havan (fire ceremonies) and regular kirtan (celebratory singing).
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Expand your understanding of core yogic teachings with our experienced teachers.

Learn authentic practices to help you deepen your direct experience of yogic teachings.

Journey with a likeminded group of serious spiritual seekers and ashram residents.
Application Process
This course is by application only.
Applications are welcome from those with or without previous yoga experience.
Apply now
When you click the button below you'll be taken through to an application form which should take you around 10-15 mins to complete. The course team will then review your application and get back to you to offer you a place or explain why not.
Applications now closed. Next available in 2026Booking Information
Wednesday June 26, 6pm
Wednesday July 24 2024, 2pm
Includes all teaching input, accommodation and food.
Payment Schedule
A non-refundable deposit of £295 will be required to secure your place, followed by the balance of £600 payable before the start of the course or upon arrival.
Further Details
About the Ashram
About The Teachers
Retreat Timetable
Mouna & Karma Yoga
What To Expect
Practical Details
Health - Physical & Mental
How to Book
Refund Policy
Join us on this 1-Month Journey to Deepen Your Personal Practice
Go deeper into the mysteries of yoga in one of the few authentic ashrams outside of India, with experienced teachers and a supportive community, in an environment of great natural beauty and focused spiritual energy.
Applications now closed. Next available in 2026" The course was excellent and the environment inspiring. I had a wonderful visit - powerful, joyful and profound." - Ciara
"A special place overflowing with peace and harmony. I appreciated the depth of the course and feel that with continued practice it will get even deeper." - Calum
"Exactly what my soul needed! It was all so nourishing and supporting. I feel back to life and in my power once again." - Nichole