Free yoga resource library

The Ashram Sangha

The Ashram Sangha is our online community; a space where those who feel a connection with the unique teachings and energies of the Ashram can receive ongoing input and support from us in the comfort of their own homes. It's our way of making the teachings and spiritual life of the Ashram as accessible as possible to anyone anywhere in the world.
All you need is the aspiration to renew and/or deepen your yoga and meditation practice, along with other like-minded individuals.
14 Day Free Trial

The Ashram Sangha - its Purpose

The Ashram Sangha is for those practitioners who have some previous experience of yoga or meditation and feel a calling to go deeper, beyond the weekly yoga class model. The purpose of the Sangha is threefold:

  • Deepening - to help deepen one's experience of yoga/ meditation practice and subsequent experiential understanding. Western yoga classes can often share only the surface aspects of yoga practice, whereas the Ashram teachings focus on the true jewels of yoga, including meditation, yoga nidra, mudra, bandha, mantra, yoga in daily life, and intuitive enquiry into what lies beyond the known paradigms of our life.
  • Renewal - our practice can become stale at times, losing its zest, and the Sangha offers a way of renewing our practice and core aspirations through the regular taught sessions and support. This applies to yoga teachers also. In addition, the Sangha can help renew or refresh our energies as an antidote to the variable challenges of daily life.
  • Belonging - to provide a way of connecting and supporting like-minded practitioners walking a similar inner path to you. Western life can often feel isolated, and spiritual life can feel like swimming against the prevailing current. The Sangha offers connection with others who are also called, like you, to the practice, path and mystery of yoga.

Some of the comments we've received so far from participants of the Sangha include:

"As a newcomer to the Sangha, I appreciate feeling included and welcome and really value all the learning and input"

"Thank you for the beautiful practices and teachings…I am so grateful for this online Sangha"

"I’m enjoying all the practices in the sangha - it’s such a joy to be able to tap into the ashram energies from so far away!"


Online Support For Your Yoga Journey

The Sangha provides regular online support for those who value the Ashram unique depth of teachings and wish to stay connected to the energies and spiritual life of the Ashram from day-to-day, week-to-week. For just £25 per month you can get practices delivered straight to your inbox: • chanting and meditation recordings • weekly live practice sessions • monthly live 3-hour mini-retreats • access to video replays for 4 weeks and downloadable audios for lifetime access • private membership of our Sangha Community Facebook group.

Weekly Practice Sessions

Attend our live 1-hour sessions on a range of practices, including asana, pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation.

Find out more

Monthly Mini-Retreats

Attend our live 3-hour Zoom mini-retreats to go deep into specific practices of yoga, advaita and tantra.

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Chanting & Meditation

Join in with our daily chanting and meditation practice, our weekly Mrityunjaya Mantra chanting, satsangs and more.

Find out more

Online Yoga Community

Stay connected with the ashram and its extended yoga sangha through our Facebook Group.

Find out more

Join The Sangha 
FREE for 14 days

You can join anytime to receive 14 days of free teachings, practices, classes and mini-retreats directly from the Ashram as well as the support of a dedicated yoga community.

"I just wanted to say how great everything has been so far! I really like the idea of focusing on different aspects for each week's class. It's all been easy to access and the app is great. It's so fantastic to have really good teaching and interesting practices without having to travel!" 
Join free for 14 days

Enhance your physical, psychological and spiritual health and well-being

Promote greater relaxation, release of tension and letting go on different levels of your Being

Open your eyes to who you truly are, beyond the conditioned body/mind identification

Weekly Practice Sessions

1-Hour Live Practice Sessions

Each week we share a live Zoom class, delivered by our highly experienced Ashram teachers, plus periodic experienced guest teachers, for you to tune into wherever you are in the world.

These classes will rotate through a different focus each week, including asana, pranayama, meditation, chanting, yoga nidra, and more.

They will take place on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm until 8.30pm U.K. time.

Each session will be recorded and available for 4 weeks, so you can enjoy them multiple times or watch the replays if you can't make a particular live session. An audio file will be available for you to download and keep. 

Monthly Mini-Retreats

3-Hour Live Practice Sessions

Each month we offer a 3-hour deep-dive into a particular aspect of yoga, advaita or tantra, delivered via Zoom. They will comprise a mixture of teaching and practice sessions. Our hope is that these monthly live courses will:

• Allow you to deepen your knowledge of yoga and expand your repertoire of practices month by month

• Provide a regular window where you can devote a whole morning each month to your practice - like a mini monthly retreat within the comfort of your own home.

We believe that the cumulative effect of incorporating these monthly practice days into the larger rhythm of your life over a period of time will yield many valuable benefits.

These sessions will take place on Sunday mornings at 9.30am-12.30pm U.K. time, and will be recorded so you can watch the replays for up to 4 weeks after the event, so you never have to miss out if they clash with something else you have on. Audio recordings will also be available for you to download during that period, so you can have lifetime access. 

Chanting & Meditation 

Attune To The Ashram's Rhythms

Join in with the Ashram's rhythm of daily and weekly practices, wherever you are in the world!

The core practices we would like to invite you to join us in are our daily chanting and meditation sessions, which take place every morning from 7.30 to 8.15am, and our weekly Mahamrityunjaya Mantra practice, which takes place every Tuesday evening at 8pm.

We have created a Chanting Library, so you can choose a mantra that resonates with you, to practice either at 7.30 in the morning before your meditation, or at a time that suits you best. Each week, you will also receive a downloadable meditation for the week ahead, plus invitations to tune into the Tuesday Mrityunjaya chanting.

Belong to an Online Yoga Community

Yoga Sangha

Deepen your sense of belonging to fellow practitioners who value the Ashram teachings and all they offer into this world. The Sangha allows you to connect with fellow sangha members and our wider online Ashram community for daily companionship, support and inspiration.

Meet and chat with other yogis and sincere seekers who resonate with the teachings and ethos of the Ashram.

The community space allows for discussion of various key topics; for hooking up with online yoga buddies and accountability partners; for asking questions or making suggestions; and more besides.

This space is hosted on Facebook as a private group, where discussions are only visible to members. Facebook is easily accessible via desktop or an app for your phone or tablet.

Bonus: Discounts On Self-Study Courses

30% Off Our Self-Study Courses

As a bonus offering, Ashram Sangha members automatically receive 30% off the normal price of our Self-Study online courses.

These structured programmes are designed to take you through the theory and practice of key teachings from yoga, advaita and tantra.

They are delivered via our online portal and generally comprise between 10 and 30 hours of pre-recorded video lessons, downloadable practice audios, and additional pdf materials, organised to guide you progressively through the content at a pace that suits you.

We are currently working on our range of Self-Study courses, and over the coming months we will be adding courses covering Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (alternative nostril breathing), The Chakras, Antar Mouna Meditation (Inner Silence), The Vigyana Bhairava Tantra, and many more...

Join The Sangha 
FREE for 14 days

You can join any time to receive teachings, practices, classes and mini-retreats directly from the Ashram as well as the support of a dedicated yoga community.

"I just wanted to say how great everything has been so far! I really like the idea of focusing on different aspects for each week's class. It's all been easy to access and the app is great. It's so fantastic to have really good teaching and interesting practices without having to travel!" 
Join free for 14 days

Alternatively, commit to a whole year and save ÂŁ60 on the monthly cost

Click on the offer on the right to sign up

Our Virtual Ashram

The Ashram has over the past 36 years become a unique environment, a wonderful space to retreat and go deep into yoga study to practice amidst vibrant spiritual energies and the beauty and tranquility of natural surroundings. Our course participants and visitors tell us again and again how valuable they find the space, the teachings, and the energies here.

But the world is changing, in diverse ways. To keep pace with these changes, in addition to our ongoing residential retreats and guest stays – which will always form the core of what we offer – we are bringing the spirit of the Ashram to you via the medium of the internet, in the form of our online courses, our free resource library, and the Ashram Sangha. These new offerings will enable us to extend the teachings and the spiritual life of the Ashram to sincere seekers and dedicated practitioners anywhere in the world, in the comfort of their own homes, without them having to travel physically to the wild hills of Wales!

We sincerely hope that these new offerings can support you in your ongoing yoga journey.

Other Ashram Offerings

Mandala Yoga Ashram Online Satsang

Online Satsang

Join Swami Nishchalananda on Zoom for one-hour satsang sessions. These free sessions usually take place twice per month. Register below to receive invites.

Register for Satsang
Mandala Yoga Ashram Online Shop

Residential Retreats

Our residential retreats combine high-quality teachings with an emphasis on the cultivation of direct insight, a supportive group field, and opportunity to spend time in the energised sanctuary of the Ashram.

Upcoming retreats
Mandala Yoga Ashram Online Community

Ashram Shop

In our online shop you can find books and yoga booklets written by Swami Nishchalananda, as well as beautiful malas strung here at the Ashram.

Visit our shop

Our Founder

Mandala Yoga Ashram was founded in 1986 by Swami Nishchalananda on his return from India after spending 14 years with his Guru, Swami Satyananda, studying all aspects of yoga and imbibing the true essence of this ancient tradition. Swami Nishchalanda ('Swamiji') is recognised as a genuine Yoga Acharya - a Master of Yoga.
More about Swamiji

Charitable Status

The Ashram is a registered charity whose mission is to uplift humanity through the teachings of yoga, advaita and tantra. As an independent institution not affiliated to any set of religious beliefs, the purpose of the Ashram is simply to help people to remember their own sacredness and the sacredness of all that exists.
Registered Charity No. 1195209
Donate to the Ashram

Our Address

Mandala Yoga Ashram
Pantypistyll, Llansadwrn, Llanwrda,
Wales, UK, 
SA19 8NR
Tel: +44 (0)1558 685358
Email: [email protected]
Contact us

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