From Sound Into Silence
With Swami Gyandharma
October 22-26, 2025
This is a much-loved course that has been running at the Ashram for several years, with many participants returning regularly. It draws upon Swami Gyandharma’s extensive experience of using mantra to induce silence or stillness.
Benefactor Rate £595 | Standard Rate £495 | Supported Rate £395
About This Retreat
Mantras are potent energetic vibrations which can awaken us energetically and put us more in touch with the heart. During this retreat, you will be immersed in the energies of mantra under Swami Gyandharma’s guidance. This will facilitate a release of habitual repetitive thinking and stuck emotional patterns, and encourage an inner clarity and stillness in the present moment. In such stillness, the quiet voice within is freed to express itself in ever more joyful, creative and life enhancing ways.
More infoBooking Information
Wed 22nd October 19.45 -
Sun 26th October 11.00
Benefactor £595
Standard £495
Supported £395
Includes all tuition, accommodation, food and unlimited hot drinks. For more information about these rates, please click on "Our Rates Explained" under "Further Details" at the bottom of this page.
Deposit to be paid today
£200/£165/£130 depending on option chosen above
Arrive by 5pm if possible to settle in and enjoy supper, served at 6.15pm
Book now

More About This Retreat
The practice of mantra creates a space within which the habitual patterns of the personality can be more easily perceived, as well as the deeper vistas that lie beyond. Past students have often experienced this course as nourishing for both the mind and heart.
Swami Gyandharma has been chanting daily for over 40 years. He makes seemingly difficult practices accessible to all. He is a clear reminder of the fruits of spiritual practice. Being in his transformative and life-affirming presence will be a central feature of this retreat.
Feedback from Swami GyanDharma's previous courses:
The course itself was the most profound course I have ever attended. Swami GyanDharma is a man of great integrity and wisdom.
Swami GyanDharma is professional and compassionate and wise. A wonderful experience to treasure.
Further details

Expand your understanding of core yogic teachings with our experienced teachers.

Learn authentic practices to help you deepen your direct experience of yogic teachings.

Journey with a likeminded group of sincere spiritual seekers and ashram residents.
Join us to move From Sound into Silence
at our unique spiritual sanctuary
in the Heart of Wales
Our residential retreats are rare opportunities to go deeper into the mysteries of yoga in one of the few authentic ashrams outside India, with experienced teachers and a supportive community, in an environment of great natural beauty and focused spiritual energy.
"This course was the most profound I have ever attended. Swami Gyandharma is a man of great integrity and wisdom."
"Swami GyanDharma is professional and compassionate and wise. A wonderful experience to treasure."
"I needed a rest and this course and place allowed this." - Lalitatirtha