Swami Nishchalananda
'May your eyes be open to the Wonder and Mystery of life.'
Swami Nishchalananda is the founder ofĀ theĀ ashram and author of several classic texts on the spiritual sciences of yoga and tantra. He combines a rare depth of insight with a wonderful humility and down-to-earth quality that allows him to convey the profoundest spiritual teachings in a highly accessible and grounded way. His teachings are both practical and inspiring, accessible to those who live a modern lifestyle and are scientifically orientated. On this page you'll find details of his life, books, online courses and free teachings.
Swamiji also has his own websites containing previously archived recordings and articles, which you can access, free of charge, by clicking on the buttons below. These two blogs are a veritable mine of his teachings over the last 20 years.Ā
Swamiji's English Blog
A Life Dedicated To Yoga
Born and raised in the UK, Swami Nishchalananda took a degree in engineering before embarking on the spiritual path in his early 20's. His need and aspiration to know on a deeper level took him to India for what would be a long and profoundly transformative spiritual training.
For 14 years he lived and breathed the life of a disciple to his guru, Swami Satyananda, with whom he received extensive training in all aspects of yoga, tantra and Advaita. He was initiated into the heart-essence of these teachings and was later recognised by his guru as a yoga acharya ā Master of Yoga.
During his training he underwent long periods of seclusion and mouna (silence), in which he deepened his spiritual understanding and realisation. This reflects so much in his teaching today.
Whilst in India, he wrote a number of books under the name of his guru (see later). These are still published by the Bihar School of Yoga and are considered classics in the yoga world. During his last seven years in India, Swamiji travelled all over India giving seminars on yoga in villages, towns and cities ā becoming a sought-after teacher in his own right in the land which is the birthplace of yoga.
In 1985 he returned to Europe and continued to pass on the profound teachings he had received to fellow Western seekers, emphasising meditation and yoga-related subjects. In 1986 he established Mandala Yoga Ashram at a remote and semi-derelict Welsh hill-farm belonging to his family. Courses began almost immediately. Gradually a spiritual community grew up around him, buildings were renovated and expanded to accommodate more people. Since then Swamiji has carefully nurtured the Ashram into the internationally renowned centre of yogic studies that it is today.Ā He has also written further books on yoga, tantra and spiritual science in his own name (see below).
He combines warmth, practical thinking and profound spirituality, enabling him to communicate the deeper meaning of yoga with great insight and humanity. Without diluting the teachings, he is able to transmit the ancient, time-tested spiritual science of yoga in terms that are accessible to the modern mind.
Swami Nishchalananda is not some austere yogi talking in spiritual riddles. Those who have spent any time with him describe him as a joy and an inspiration to be around, an example of wisdom and compassion in a wonderfully down-to-earth, accessible form.
Having retired fromĀ day-to-day activities at the Ashram, Swami Nishchalananda continues to give invaluable input on subjects such as Kriya Yoga and the Chakras.Ā During the pandemic, Swamiji gaveĀ free online satsangsĀ (which became fondly known as Zoomsangs), consisting of a discourse, a short meditation and Q&A. These practical, inspirational and still very pertinent teachings are accessible in the Zoomsang Library (button below).
If you would like to attend live sessions with Swamiji, he still features regularly in our online community, the Ashram Sangha, along with other teachers from the Ashram.
Zoomsang LibraryA Selection of Online Courses by Swami Nishchalananda

The Chakras
This short audio course provides an in-depth theoretical introduction and a guided mediation through the chakras.

The Mantra OM
A 2-part audio course giving a overview of the meaning of the mantra OM, followed by a 30-minute meditation practice.

Vigyana Bhairava Tantra
A series of practices and teachings on breath, energy and spaciousness, from the Vigyana Bhairava Tantra.

Yoga Nidras
A pair of yoga nidras by Swami Nishchalananda: Initiation in the Pyramid & Sensitisation of the Chakras
Books written by Swami Nishchalananda
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha (the first edition); Meditations from the Tantras; Sannyasa Tantra; and A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya. All of these titles were written by Swamiji under the name of his guru and are published by the Bihar School of Yoga.
Mantra Yoga and Ashram Chants; The Edge of Infinity; and Insight into Reality – the Tantric Teachings of the Vigyana Bhairava Tantra. These titles are all published under his own name, by Mandala Yoga Ashram, and can be purchased via our online shop.
He is currently working on two books: 1. The Chakras: Keys to a Quantum Leap in Human Evolution – a Practical Manual on Kundalini Yoga and 2. Kriya Yoga – a Practical Path to Enlightenment. Both are intended as practical manuals for the transformation of energy and the realisation of our fundamental spiritual nature.
Visit our online shop
Audio Downloads
Swami Nishchalananda has a number of Kirtan Albums and teachings on yogic topics available for download from Bandcamp.
A Selection of Swami Nishchalananda'sĀ Teachings in the Ashram's Free Library

The Chakras - A Psychological Perspective
The chakras are so important in yoga and tantra. In this article Swamiji considers the chakras mainly from a psychological perspective and explores how harmonising the chakras can lead to us to deeper realisation of what we are and our place in the universal scheme of things.

Kriya Yoga - A Systematic Approach To Spiritual Awakening
Kriya Yoga is a sophisticated method of harmonising and synchronising the natural energies of our being. It channels our energy so that it flows in a creative direction without suppression. In this article Swamiji gives an excellent introduction to Kriya Yoga.

Swami Nishchalananda Satsang 22/01/22
Looking at the fundamental questions in verse one of the Kena Upanishad, these questions can clearly only be addressed in a meditative state.... who or what knows seeing, hearing, the fluctuations of energy. The teacher however gives a tantalising reply which itself demands further reflection...